Monday, July 31, 2006

more of the M.E.A.T. (reality) show

Shinji: What's this?

Misato: This is the Instrumentality of Man project that your
father has been working on.

Shinji: This is?

Misato: It's part of them, I think.

Asuka: The truth is still unknown to us.

Ritsuko: The things you perceive are the truth.

Rei: Things within you.

Fuyutsuki: And the things recorded in your memory will be your truth.

Ritsuko: There is a truth that changes through the time.

Shinji: This is the truth.
The result of everything, is this?

Asuka: Out of many truths, this is one.

Misato: That's the result you wanted.

Shinji: I wanted?

Rei: Yes.
Destruction, the world where nobody was saved.

Shinji: NO. It's that nobody saved me.

Ritsuko: Nobody can save you.

Ryouji: This is what you wanted.

Asuka: Destruction, Death, the return to nothingness,
All of these did you wish for.

Misato: This is reality.

Shinji: What's reality?

Rei: Your world.

Makoto: With time, with space, with other people, a world of
your own.

Shigeru: The world where how to accept things and how to
perceive things is absolutely up to you

Maya: It's your world, only given to you now,

That is reality

Misato: Your world, which nobody else can deal with.

Shinji: It's the world where everything is already created,
isn't it?

Ritsuko: No, it's the world that you are creating.

Fuyutsuki: The world that you are trying to create.

That is reality.

Misato: The will to live.

Asuka: The mind that wishes to die, which you yourself want.

Shinji: This darkness, this incomplete world...
Are you saying, I wished for all of these?

Asuka: Yes.

Ryouji: The closed world where nobody but you are confortable.
That is the very world you wished for.

Makoto: To protect your weak mind.

Shigeru: To protect your joy.

Maya: This is the result.

Misato: In a closed space with nobody but you in it,
Nobody can live

Asuka: But you wanted this world, a closed world for yourself.

Ritsuko: Excluding what you hate, you wanted a world of solitude.
A mind all your own

Rei: This is your world delivered, with a small haven in your

Asuka: This is one of the conclusions.

Misato: The end of the world that you have lived in.

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